Ahoy there movie maniacs! Welcome to the official site for Doc Mock’s Movie Mausoleum! I’m your host, Doc Mock, and every Friday night at 10pm PST (1am EST) I’ll be broadcasting LIVE on theStream.tv some of the most amazing movies that you’ve probably never even seen before. By watching the show, you’ll not only be able to attract the opposite sex by bragging about how great your taste in obscure movies is, but you’ll also be able to interact with us during the show itself! That’s right, we’ll have a live chat room and our resident nurse will be selecting some of your questions and comments for us to respond to on the air. That’s a lot of power in your hands… so use it well! The show will also be streaming live on justin.tv and ustream.tv in their “thestream” channels, so you can watch it and join in the chatrooms in both o’ those places as well!

As if that’s not more than enough to create a tingling sensation in your nether regions, each week I’ll have a new special guest on the show who will join in with me as we provide commentary during the movie. We’ll even have some spiffy weekly giveaways and other surprises, so be sure to tune in each week for the latest episode of Doc Mock’s Movie Mausoleum!

Later this week I’ll announce what movie I’m going to be showing for the premiere episode on May 1st along with who the special guest is gonna be. I’ll also put up a downloadable mp3 of the show’s theme song so you can listen to it over and over and over and over and over and… over. It’s so friggin’ catchy you won’t be able to get it out of your head even if you try. Doesn’t that sound like fun!?

Alright, that’s all for now kiddies. You bring the popcorn, I’ll bring the movies. Do we have a deal? Good. See you Friday night!

Doc Mock on April 28th, 2009 | File Under General | 3 Comments -